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MATSUNAGA Shuji / Senior Assistant Professor

Pharmaceutical Sports Sciences Course

Department of Pharmaceutical and Medical Business Sciences

Research Topics

1. Top level athlete’s body and physical capacity characteristics research.

2. Female athlete’s menstrual cycle period and bone density research.

The present study continuously monitored body weight changes in female Japanese wrestlers throughout the competition season in order to grasp the actual state of their weight reduction and demonstrate its relationship with menstruation.Female Japanese wrestlers were observed to practice weight cycling throughout the competition season. Furthermore, a case study of the subject with an abnormal menstruation cycle suggested that repeated excessive weight reduction may affect the menstrual cycle.

Representative Publications

Shuji Matsunaga, Seshito Shimizu , Katsuji Aizawa , Mitsuru Satoh , Takahiro Wada , Kenichi Yumoto, Takeshi Kukidome CASE STUDIES OF WEIGHT CYCLING AND MENSTRUATION IN FEMALE JAPANESE WRESTLERS FILA Scientific Commission – Scientific Congress 2013.9.16